Comment Curation
Let us.
We will read reviews of and comments on your work on Amazon, Goodreads, or other sites you specify. Let us distill for you the praise and positive comments, and allow you to avoid any negative and especially hateful reactions to your book. Let us sift through the comments to find the information – such as story reactions and typos – that provide practical help in improving your books.
Every author wants their work to be well received. A good review makes us feel good, encourages new readers to try our books, and boosts sales. If we are writing a series, reviews of the early books can help guide the direction of our later work. A bad review, sadly, can be damaging in many ways. An unhappy review is a blow to our ego, can discourage potential new readers, and may prevent others from buying the book. Considering the damage that can be done by negative reviews and the pride we have in our work, the temptation to respond can be strong, even for well-established and successful authors. Unless our reaction is to tell the reviewer, “Thank you for your feedback,” it is usually best not to respond to negative comments. In ListVerse, Morris M. provides a cautionary tale of authors who failed to resist the temptation and responded to their critics, in “10 Writers Who Took Themselves Way Too Seriously“. Read it and then contact us to curate your comments and reviews so that you can avoid losing your cool – and even more of your audience – over bad comments or reviews.