Family Stories from the Silver Valley
Character – Problem – Something Happens – Things Get Worse – Action – Change
Those are classic stages of a well told story, as taught by author Maureen McQuerry to the students of the Canyon Elementary Science Magnet School in Silver Valley, Idaho. Maureen worked with the students to prepare storyboards of their own family stories – pictures and words describing each stage. Younger students drew pictures and provided captions for 4-panel storyboards. Fourth and fifth graders wrote stories built from the six stages – character, problem, something happens, things get worse, action, and change – and illustrated their storyboards with their own sketches or pictures from newspapers and magazines.
Seiders House Publishing is delighted to announce that these storyboards have been captured in a Limited Edition publication, Family Stories from the Silver Valley. While the full-color book is available for purchase from Amazon, it is primarily intended for the school library, the teachers, and the families of the student authors.
Well done, Little Story Tellers!